The exchanges that follow below are all in answer to this profile of mine I created on a free dating website - namely, Plenty of Fish:

If you're one of them who like to list their interests, don't bother replying to me. Why? because I already know you.

If you're like all the losers out there who believe in the notion of a so-called career, or your dream is to earn lots of money so you can be 'happy', I hope you choke on your own vomit.
Why? Because you're a fake who not only fell for all the lies of this world, but contributes to its mess.

If you're one of those who think they are clever just because they manage to go through the motions of getting a high school diploma or a degree or whatever else that gets you a nice piece of paper in the end, and then see nothing wrong in being made to dress up like a pinguin (suit and tie) while getting stuck every single day of your life on a packed train to work, I hope someone poaches you some day.
Why? Because you're already dead inside.

Apart from that, I look forward to hearing from YOU, not THEM.

NB: While initially I did not use a picture to go with the profile, I then added a couple of pictures of a girl wearing a cowboy hat and t-shirt/jeans. In the main picture, she stood in the middle of a field with her mouth open as if shouting or singing, perhaps, while in the second picture she stands with her back turned, as if staring in the distance. I added this pictures around two weeks after creating the profile and began to receive a steady flow of daily replies after that.

1) The mainstream answers

Mushroom guy:

Your profile…. Fascinating... Serious question: do you live up to the expectations you've set?

My reply:

Fascinating... I know. Blunt truths have that power to grab the attention of a few... those who can still think for themselves you know, without too much interference from 'how you should be thinking, saying or acting'... see what I mean? The rest just turn a blind eye because they don't like to be reminded that they're living a lie. They also get very scared at the thought of not belonging to a herd of some sort.

Do I live up to the expectations I've set? It's a work in progress. let's face it, we're all stuck in the same machine. But the worst anyone can do is to conclude that there's nothing to be done about it, 'it's just how it is' kind of thing. That sort of thinking then leads you straight into focusing on living in your individual little bubble. That's a neat trick that society imposes on us, you know. It ensures that we all feel more or less powerless in the face of constant nonsense.

I reject all that is fake, illusory, illogical and corrupted. One by one I strike them out of my life, that's why it's a work in progress. I'm human, though... I'm seeking others who are like me, unwilling to have their mind and ideals crushed by the world and its nonsense. believing in the concept of a career, or being attracted to amass goods and money almost always garranties your perdition as far as your mind and self is concerned.

Listing interests like some shopping list gives all the signs of having adopted the herd mentality... but that's not always the case. Some of us just play along because we feel we have no choice. Well I'm here, I'm bringing you that choice just by showing that others exist who will say and uphold exactly what you've been thinking to yourself quietly.

If you would like for us to know each other better, I need to know more about you, but it needs to be a real exchange. Tell me more about you, about your thoughts on things. Tell me anything you feel like really saying. I don't want to hear what one thinks I want to hear. I'm interested in knowing you, and finding out how different exactly you could be from all of them who are already dead inside.

His reply:



I don't thing that there's any brilliance in recognising the ills

and deficiencies of the world. It's more a question of how you

come to terms with them. And if there's any brilliance to be had

it is in the way that you deal with it. If you want to speak of

the 'herd', then recognising that it exists is just step one.

Step two is knowing when to lead the herd, when to follow it,

when to run with it, and when to run in the opposite direction.

Step three is knowing how to do all of these with 'skill'. And

for more on all of these I can happily refer you to Plato or even

Sun-Tzu... :)


You know a great deal more about me than I do about you: You know

that I can string a sentence together, you know what I look like,

you know how I feel about averages, you know that I love

motorbikes, tomato growing, bonsai (and neither do I particularly

feel the need to write a list, it'd be a long one)


So, if you have questions to ask, feel free to fire away; but

you're going to have to do better than "I need to know more about


We're all work in progress... That's a given. But my question was

a simple one. Do you meet the expectations you've set?

My reply:

No, you're right, there is no brilliance in simply recognising the ills of the world. people are really good at moaning, get angry or upset at the most trivial things, then they shrug and move on to yet another pointless task. Like work as defined by this society that tells you you have to be a productive little human to be worth anything, and when I say productive, I really mean: get everyone to do anything so long as it shuts them up (gives them a sense of 'purpose' in life, for instance) and ensures that the balance consumption/spending - profit making is preserved for a deeply flawed and corrupted system. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying work itself is bad, I'm talking about the way it's set up and has evolved to be. I could expend on this, but I would love it if you sought the meaning of what I'm hinting at, and if it's really not clear, then tell me and I'll expend further on it.

Remember what Winston observes as he watches people argue pointlessly in the street? He asks himself one core question: where does all the anger and passion go when it comes to fighting for what really matters? (I'm not quoting, just giving the gist of it.).


I've spent some time talking to people (and always doing it), hearing their thoughts, their views, exchanging ideas. Don't be misled by the words I chose to use in my profile. I like to take into account all factors before I set out to criticise or reject anything.

I'm aware of the steps you speak of. That's why I'm saying it's a work in progress. I thought I'd answered your question. I do meet the expectations I've set. But nothing meaningful is achieved in one day. I'm not yet going into detail because I'd like to see that when I choose to go in more depth about it, the other person actually cares about what I'm saying.If I can at least get them to think in more depth and through their own reasoning, then it's already a lot for me.

It's great to have read Plato and all the major philosophies that exist in this world. There's arguably only a little extra brilliance in it since most people like to boast about how they've read this and that, or about how much they know in general. that tells nothing in the end, because unless one makes any sort of knowledge their own (meaning... go through the effort of going through the reasoning yourself to reach the conclusion and understand in depth for yourself rather than just take it all in like someone who collects stamps)then that knowledge is empty, useless.

What good is it to have read Plato and the rest if all one is going to do is nod and agree while everything around them is nothing like the glimpses of righter ways they read in those books?

If one is going to gain knowledge, then surely one is supposed to use it in some way? Otherwise what's the purpose of it? Just random pleasure of some sort, feeding the illusion of having some purpose, passing time perhaps? Mere conversation topics to show off to others?

When I asked you to tell me about yourself, I was hoping for something deeper. I actually don't care (yet) that you like to grow tomatoes, bonzai and motorcycle. Is that a rude thing to say? It's a fact. These things don't tell me anything about you, they are generic past-times, likings or dislikes that arise within the human species. X, Y, Z, whoever, could be saying that, and it would not give me much of a clue as to who they really are. That sort of detail only becomes meaningful when a connection is created on a deeper level than that - that's when the other person actually truly cares when you tell them these things.

Don't believe me? Look at all the people that meet based on their so-called hobbies...(that would be a lot of people). how long before they start discovering that the other person is actually very different from what they first thought when basing themselves on such factors? how long before the cracks start showing because the interaction was based on superficial detail?

But, you're going to say (perhaps), how else is one supposed to get to know another if you're not going to start by saying about these things? By talking about all the things that you wouldn't think of sharing, especially the very things that you think may put others off rather than accept you. That's a good way to show the other person who you really are as a person, your true self... Rather than doing like everyone else, which would be trying to adapt in such a way as to ensure you appeal to the group/person you're interested in being accepted in.


Sure, it might then take longer to find the right person who actually matches you, but at least you get to skip the wrong ones more easily... but of course that's assuming that you seek to achieve something truly meaningful in all aspects of your life.

My tone may sound angry, but it really isnt meant to be. I'm just very passionate.


Heknowsnotwhere: hmmmm?

wow lady, some pretty opinionated views there, maybe some people actually want those things?

any way.......whats going on in the picture facing away? looks like your feeding imaginary pideons.


My reply:

I'm almost scared to ask what kind of things YOU want, dear.

But... come on then, indulge me. What is it people like you want out of life... and what sort of things you dream about?

Also - what exactly are pideons? :P


ah im not one of those that would want all that rubbish, i just want to enjoy my life and experience as much as possible, (ie seeing different cultures, and natural wonders) although things like that are made alot easier if you have the money to do it.

i did always want to be a racing car drvier when i was growing up, but i guess thats a bit of a pipe dream.

oh and pideons are like pigeons but for retards who cant spell.

so what is it that you dream of?



What I dream of? i also want to enjoy life and experience as much as possible, and that would ideally include the ability to travel somewhat to immerse myself in other cultures (NOT mere 'seeing' different ones... it doesnt work in a meaningful way)... But the only way for me to enjoy life is to fulfill myself and that powerful dream of mine which includes creating a social dedign that would pave the way to a perfected society. That's partly why I'm drawn to traveling these days... to discover and understand, and ultimately draw the best out of all our cultures while getting rid of all the flaws... sounds like a mamoth task, i know, but Rome wasnt build in a day either. And dreams are supposed to be bigger than what one can chew anyway - that's the reason why they eventually materialise :)

2) The shallow, generic answers

The serial cut and paste guy who can't spell and likes to send the same message to everyone:

Mikel: Hi

just like the way u are to be honest sweety. if u are actualy looking for someone to get along with ,i will say u av found urself at the right place. without a doubt,i can see u should be fun to be with,and i will always respect u for that.I am sorry im too reserved to add my pics here, lol. But will be ready to send it to u privately- for ur eyes only lol. till iread from u,stay blessed.x

My reply:

It means a lot you can appreciate my message. i am so tired of always being told the same things over and over, like you know even on here, people all start sounding the same... and they all have these fake dreams... i cant take it anymore, i need to meet real people with real personality and real dreams for something different than this rotten society. everything is so wrong, they can all see it, but they all ignore it to go traveling on their holiday when they are not stuck in some pointless 9 to 5 job that will suck their brain out eventually.

You know what I mean?

Tell me more about you :)

His reply:

im realy hun and i realy wanna meet up with someone like u who knows wht she is looking for. im a nigerian and i av been in the u.k for 5yrs now. every other thing u should see in my profile hun. anything else u wanna know, pls feel free to ask, im very easy to flow with and im a very honest person x

My reply:

are you also ready to reject society?

We could start a new one that is far better than this rotten one. We could discuss this together, what do you think?

I await for your reply most impatiently, i can feel that you are so special and different than all of the others :)


Yeah i will b glad to hun. But firstly we need to see and sit down and talk so we see if we are happy being together. Or wt plan av u got hun?


His again:

ok. babe i wouldnt know what u wanna know to be candid. can u pls ask me me anything u wanna know and i will be glad to answer u. pls, feel free hun .

Then two week later, he writes me again (with the same initial message):


just like the way u are to be honest sweety. i must say u are a defination of beauty.if u are actualy looking for someone to get along with ,i will say u av found urself at the right place. without a doubt,i can see u should be fun to be with,and i will always respect u for that.I am sorry im too reserved to add my pics here, lol. But will be ready to send it to u privately- for ur eyes only lol. till iread from u,stay blessed.x


oh shut up you big fake, you already sent me that exact same message, so GET LOST

ManJ: Here Jonny

hi im jonny how you doing? would luv to get to

know you so did you get everything you wanted

from santa xxx

My reply:

Hi there jonny.. Are you sure you wanna know a person like me? I'm very different from people who send that kind of messages you just sent me.

I hate santa. This materialistic invention that is used to spoil children from the youngest age by making them focus on things rather than the truly important ones in life, the ones that you can't touch or buy, you know. That invention can't bring me what I'm looking for, that's for sure. I have to find that myself, and to do that I need to be strong enough to reject all that is fake, illusory, illogical and corrupted.

I was clear in my profile, are you sure you took the time to read it? ;)

I dont wanna talk to sheep. I wanna talk to real people.

Are you a real person or just another simulation that only 'acts' human to an extend?

Adil: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

hi how u doing u ok

My reply:

No i am not ok. You did not read my profile. Why do you write hiiiiiiiii? Are you sure it makes your 'hi' any different from the rest just because you add more vowels to it?

Think about it. Then talk to me. If you can't think about it, then don't bother me again

The shallow answers showing no attempt at thinking for yourself, let alone even TRY thinking outside the mainstream box:

Jamie: Hi

Am I letting myself in for trouble by

messaging you? Scariest but most

honest profile ever!

My reply:

haha... are you letting yourself in for trouble by messaging me? You only feel that way because when you read my words, a deeper part of you recognised the truth of these blunt words.

I hope to find someone who is more like Alice, you know. Someone who isn't afraid to follow the rabbit down the rabbit hole.

Blunt truths have that power to grab the attention of a few... those who can still think for themselves you know, without too much interference from 'how you should be thinking, saying or acting'... see what I mean? The rest just turn a blind eye because they don't like to be reminded that they're living a lie. They also get very scared at the thought of not belonging to a herd of some sort.

I reject all that is fake, illusory, illogical and corrupted. One by one I strike them out of my life. I'm human, though... I'm seeking others who are like me, unwilling to have their mind and ideals crushed by the world and its nonsense. believing in the concept of a career, or being attracted to amass goods and money almost always garranties your perdition as far as your mind and self is concerned.

Listing interests like some shopping list gives all the signs of having adopted the herd mentality... but that's not always the case. Some of us just play along because we feel we have no choice. Well I'm here, I'm bringing you that choice just by showing that others exist who will say and uphold exactly what you've been thinking to yourself quietly.

So... are the words I used still that scary? Think about it. When you look around you with lucid eyes, what do you see? Don't tell me you really like what you see... You just adopted the ability to only focus on what you can live with, while ignoring all that is wrong because of that feeling that 'nothing can be done anyway.'

I'm right, aren't I? :P

If you would like for us to know each other better, I need to know more about you, but it needs to be a real exchange. Tell me more about you, about your thoughts on things. Tell me anything you feel like really saying. I don't want to hear what one thinks I want to hear. I'm interested in knowing you, and finding out how different exactly you could be from all of them who are already dead inside.

His reply:

Yep still scary!

I think you make some feasible points but perhaps its better to go

with the flow sometimes and do what makes you happy instead of

worrying if people like/don't like it.

If you like something that is popular with others then that's good

isn't it? More people to share your interests with! But on the flip

side a unique hobby or interest isn't something to shy away from...

I don't like most of what I see in the world but you've got to make

the most of the plusses in life. You ,ust have some activities that

you are passionate about?

7man: Hi

Yes, it's better to remain mostly listless in its non lethargic sense.

How will you be celebrating tonight?

My reply:

people who remain listless (wether in a lethargic or non-lethargic way) in life are already dead inside.

I dont wanna know such people :)


 His reply:

I agree that careers are overrated. All you need is a way to top up your bank account.

Personally, I'm not against the idea of wealth, not for the sake of owning things but to gain more independence, be generous to the few people I like while enjoying greater freedom to treat the ones I don't like sh*t.

Kickboxer: Hi

Just came across your profile and found it to be an amazing read especially the views shared (indicated a deep side to your mind) and Was just wondering if you would be comfortable communicating further? As i would like to get to know you better.

Look forward to your Reply...

Happy New year... Hope you have a good Weekend ahead and begin the new year well... !

Hope you do reply, though I know for sure you`ll be inundated with messages from many people!

My reply:

I am always comfortable communicating with others, so long as they are willing to be themselves and share their thoughts in depth with me along the way.

I just wanna talk to real people... im tired of the social script, you know that goes 'hi, how are you' and that nobody really cares about. No, really, no one cares about the answer unless they know the person on a more meaningful level - so why they all ask that question??... and so much more... that makes no sense, and only serves to complicate life when it could be so simple, and good.

What do you think?

Mira: Good day

Well, nice and confident intro. I am looing for a girl I can be proud of. You could be the one. I have a theory that every single one of us is addicted to someting. So what is your addiction?


List of my Interrests:

-bla bla bla

-tady dady diija

-tva greta


My Reply:

  Im looking for someone who doesnt care what others think but at the same time is able to question their own views as much as they question the whole of this world - like me. So pride... being proud of someone... It's a tricky one. It involves unspoken expectations of some sort, doesnt it?

I find your theory interesting... are we all addicted to something? I'm pretty sure the truth is closer to ' being addicted to a minimum of one thing'... So what's my addiction? Whatever it is, I always fight it. So it tends to change. I guess smoking was the most obvious one, but I quit, so :P

I may be addicted to dreams, though... dreaming and thinking about all the things that this world isnt... things like that,

what about you?


His reply:

  Because you like all the lists of hobbies and interests here is a list of my addictions.

In used to be addicted to computer games. I knew it, but I had an excuse: "Others were watching tally so I was playing games".

When I decided to quit I simply sold my PC and I was cured. Cured? Not really. I would say ready for next addiction. So I become addicted to oxytocin aka I felt in love. Since I am single I am addicted to endorphin and finally my addiction is my strong point. I am keeping fit and getting stronger. On the other hand I have to admit I want to fall in love again and get rid of all the weights and morning push-ups.

If you are able to digest it, let’s meet up.


How about the ones that don't even bother to write a full sentence or show NO indication of having read the profile?

Dreap Guy: Hi

u ok

My reply:

No I am not okay. This society is driving me nuts, and all these people who see nothing wrong with it. They tell me, yeah I agree it's all wrong, but as soon as I start asking them what we can do to change it, they tell me you cant do anything. Just telling them it needs to change and people go 'oh but you dont know what you're talking about. You need to read more, learn more etc' That's fine by me but that's a bit of a pointless game isnt it? I mean, if no one is actually going to sit down and create a better social design, then nothing is ever going to change. We'll just keep evolving randomly, and as you can surely see around you end up regressing back to cave times, either by destruction of the mind and its ability to reason critically, or by the self-anihilation of our current system (so called democratic capitalism) - or BOTH.

Would you like to join me and create something that will make perfect sense for the first time in human history? If so, you must show me that you're different from all the rest out there, meaning that you can at least think/reason critically for yourself. :)

His reply:

that e-mail is not serious right, babe you know this is a

dating/friends website, whats ur number, I dont believe you wrote

all this.

My reply:

Yes I wrote all this. I'm deadly serious. I am here for a meaningful reason as opposed to pursuing a meaningless, mind-numbing existence that will never fulfill you.

I'm looking for like-minded people, that's why I'm here, and that's why it's very serious.

Rachid: Hi

hi there i read ur profile and im intersting to if u are interesting just send me message thx.xx

My reply:

Yes, I already know that I'm interesting. Tell me something I dont know... for instance, what is so interesting about you? What makes you any different from all the others robots out there? :)


Will Hunting: Hi


Happy new year!!!!

You sound really cool. I think that I would enjoy your company. Would really love to get to know you better. Which part of London do you live in? Were you born in the UK?

The conversations that lead nowhere:

Wib Guy: Hi

best profile on here...actually agree with everything u say...x

My reply:

What exactly do you agree on? Care to elaborate? Or are you just using flattery to get me to overlook the lack of substance in your message to me?

Case99: Hi

  hi there how are you. I am not a

career driven, penguin wearing,

gym obsessed, money obsessed

person so it thought i would say hi

My reply:

That's good to know... i hope it's true! So if you're none of these things, what are you like then? What sort of things are important to you, maybe dreams you have... I read you dream of going to New York and even live there - why?

I'll wait for your reply and then tell you more about me as well :)

His reply:

I suppose laughing is important to me, as humour one of the best

emotions. I used to be my turntables, then when all the record

shops closed down because of the internet it became my CDJ's, but

even they are becoming outdated so soon it will be ableton live.

New York is a recent thing, I suppose because I have been in

London for so long it just seemed small, and last summer I fell

out of love with London for a while. New York seemed fresh and

exciting. I talked to people who lived and they said how amazing

it is. I also like living in a city as I grew up in an

industrial town in south wales, and its much more fun than that.

I like the annonomouseness of living in big city as well. But

working in the industry I work you see allot of lonely souls,

sitting on their own most days and they have not made any friends

in London. It breaks my heart to watch them. Even though they

earn allot more money than me, and have the oppurtunity to do

more things I would never swap places with them because I would

hate to end up like that. So what about yourself.


My reply:

I can understand the sort of appeal that a big city like new York can evoke... On the one hand, it has this effect of giving the easier impression of literally melting away into the crowds, on the other it is that anonymyty factor that bothers me at the same time... it reminds me of how much the world in general is moving fast toward a rationalisation process that makes most of us faceless entities belonging to one state or other, or one corporation or other... It's a strange paradox that's created, in a way: as we become more like numbers on screen and faceless entities within society, hinting at a complete sense of 'anonymity', we also have the erosion of privacy notion going on at the same time... leading to that feeling I get, at least from my experience living in major cities so far, that I've never felt more 'anonymous' yet oh so controlled in most aspects of my daily life within society. If you think about it in depth... it is a strange, rather dark paradox.

Then of course city life has this effect of breaking down ties between people... it's a complex and fascinating topic... many factors at play. How tragic is it that in the very places where we are surrounded by millions of others almost constantly, we end up feeling more isolated/alienated than ever?

I agree with you on the importance of humour. It'a one of the bases of human interaction, isnt it? It acts like a very potent 'glue' between people. Laugh along with someone, and you've already created a primary bond with that person, paving a smoother way in general for further interaction.



so what is your profession? It says just ask. My name is Arnold

by the way.



My profession... Professional dreamer

oh and my name is Aliska



I am a massive dreamer. I think that is one of the reasons why I never learned to drive is because I can wander off into my thoughts too much, which can be pretty dangerous if your driving. So how has your weekend been.


Him again:

so how has your weekend been?


My weekend was mostly uneventful. I went to watch a movie on Sunday with Russel crowe, called The next 3 days.. It was good.


How was your weekend then?


I dont drive either, but not for the same reasons. I just never thought of learning, and living in the city and seeing the constant traffic jams everywhere just never gave me any incentive to learn I guess.


I'd much rather prefer learning how to be a pilot, actually... :P


I went to soho on friday night, had to work on saturday night

though. I had the day off yesterday, i was suppoosed to go anf

make some dance tunes at friends, but did not really fancy carrying

a synth around a dodgy part of hackney at night so went out in town

instead. i am at work now though. So have you lived in london all

your life?

 Him again:

  So do you much planned to get through the boredom of january?


I've lost touch with the meaning of the word 'boredom', in a way... I don't really get bored anymore, which is strange because I strikingly remember always feeling bored as a teenager, for instance. I tend to get lost inside my own head a lot, so maybe that's why I just don't have 'time' to feel bored.


I'm so tired of the endless expectations put on me, on all of us really... It would not be irritating or depressing so much if only those expectations were something I agree on. Sadly, I don't agree with most of what the world has to offer, so...


I don't make plans. I'm a disorganised person who always finds order in her own mess. I guess that may be a downside of intensely creative minds :P


I've decided to go to the beach tomorrow... especially knowing that the weather will probably be awful and cold, but I could do with a deserted patch of 'wilderness' and forget the nonsense of this world even for a day. I might write my name in big letters on the sand and take a picture of it... silly things like that, but immersed in simple beauty of a stolen moment that makes you feel good, you know...


I'm kind of a spontaneous person, mainly because everyone else is so predictable, especially within society... You know?


What about you, any plans this month? We might try and co-ordinate our moments of boredom so that it fits with a meeting sometime, what do you think?


Yeah that sounds great about meeting sometime. I do not really

make plans myself eveytime i look forward to something it either

turns out to be complete crap or people drop out and it gets

cancelled. The job i do i am far more of a night person than a

day person anyway which can make planning difficult with friends

who do the 9 - 5 routine. Also i have lots of different groups

of friends some who do not like each other, some have completly

different outlooks on life, too many alpha males sometimes

creates friction, so that can be awkward. I am not really an

alpha male type so I don't get it personally. This month I am

going to be living in the 6th different part of London in less

than a year. Hope you have a good day at

the beach, i got 2 14- hour shifts in a row

Him again:

so hey how was the seaside?


ah... I didnt go, going tomorrow. I overslept this morning, and by the time i woke up, it wasnt really worth going, so I'll go tomorrow. What about you?



  I got another 14 hour shift tomorrow, but I have saturday night

off, and i think sunday to do something.

Him again:

so did you get to the beech today?


Yes I did, and i am so glad i did... I really needed the time away from the city even for a day... The weather was perfect, just as I'd hoped for: full of heavy clouds (but no rain), windy (but not too cold) and a beach that was empty of people... arriving during a low tide, there was only miles after miles of sand, pebbles, and every single shade of grey and brown you could imagine in layers all the way into the far distance... I loved it.


Took some pics, had a fish and chips in a restaurant overlooking the sea so could watch the water slowly come back... So relaxing.


how was your day? :)


A bit rubbish really, just did another 14 hr shift so non existant.

I have to work tomorrow night but then have the rest of the weekend

off. Before i moved to london i lived by the coast all my life so i do miss it a bit. Do you have any other

plans this weekend?

Him again:

hey how are you today. Planning

anymore trips to the coast?


No, no trips for now. Then again, I may wake up next week feeling like visiting another beach that's close enough for a day trip... you never know. I've been teaching myself photography, so my plan is to visit different parks in London and 'capture' their essence as I see it. I'm tired of the city noise, anything that feels like im away is good enough for now :)

How about you? Don't work too hard :P


i have to work hard for the next 2 days unfortunately, but I have

thursday and friday off. Now is the best time to visit the parks

as they mostly empty, and they look pretty cool with the mist in

the morning. I always prefer the city at night, i used to like

walking on the south bank and seeing it all lit up. So what are

your plans for the rest of the week?


Actually my favorite time in the city is at dawn, right before everyone wakes up and the traffic picks up again... Everything then is so eerily quiet.. I'm not sure what my plans are for the rest of the week, I just take it as the day unfolds these days. And you? Dont tell me more work, it's too much ;)


 i like coming home at dawn in the summer if i have been to an allnighter. I like the city at night, just the same as like travelling at night time, because it takes nature out of the equation and all you left with is a lifeless backdrop of manmade things, such as the city lights, neon signs and towerblocks all lit up. I don't know what i am going to do this weekend, i ended up in a gay bar last night, as i went to meet friends and it was the only place open late. It was a right dump :(


haha... all the unexpected places we end up going to. When i dont like the place I usually focus my attention on the music being played, and when even the music is bad, that's when it gets really bad! I see what you meant about only seeing a backdrop of manmade things... every time i walk at night or right before the city 'wakes up', it feels like I'm walking on an empty stage, you know, and all the manmade things around could be made of cardboard - do you see what I mean? It almost doesn't feel 'real'.

This weekend I ended up renting movies, and one of them was a really bad horror one... i should have known better when I saw it was number 3 of a franchise that was already not so good, but oh well, at least I got to laugh at how bad it was!



The music in that place was awful, it was all cheesy camp stuff.

I am getting an I book pro at the end of the month, and getting

ableton so I can make my own music so i do not have to listen to

crap like that anymore.


So what was the trilogy of horror films that was so bad? I turned

off the new Woody Allen film staring Larry David half way through

the other night. It started off pretty good then turned so sh*t

and predictable it was unbelievable, which was quite

disspaointing as I really like Larry David, well his writing



So I take it your not a fan of the city at night. Going on the

dlr at night through canary warf looks like something out of

blade runner, but i think the best is at the top of the hill in

greenwhich and looking back at the whole of london, its pretty

awesome as you can actually see everything.

Jonas: Me?


My reply:

Yes I know. Amazing. And?




Right. Good night.


it was..till you showed up with yer 'im amazing' rubbish! 'and'

i mean... take your avant garde head to bed already.


Oh shut it already, seriously. Do you know how many people answer with one liners that really give you nothing to get a start on? Yours was of the same caliber.

I think you probably recognised yourself within one of the categories I described on my profile (well, your subconscious did) and that led you to adopt that cynical/ passive aggressive style of writing to me.


Yes, youre right. I'm a loser. And i love to lose. almost lost the lot now.. my pride may aswell take its last whooping.

Forgive me for contacting you. Sorry for everything.

Hope you find someone lovely. Love you. thank you.

good night x


Oh come on now. No need to be so dramatic. What is pride anyway? I'll tell you one thing such things as pride tend to do: they make us restrain ourselves rather than just BE ourselves.

Aren't we all losers till we've done something of ourselves (preferably fullfilled a meaningful dream of some sort)?

Why sorry? people are used to appologising way too easily. That is not good. Do you know why? Because it encourages a lack of strive to reach a right or better conclusion/ line of thought. Instead we all stay entrenched in our own limited views, afraid of standing up to another just because, well, that may not be the 'proper' or polite thing to do...

Also, i dont want someone lovely. Well, not just 'lovely'.


Incubus: Hi

u do have a certin sence of charm dont you? so tell me what is a radical like yourself looking for on here?


My reply:

It's the first time someone associates the word radical with my person... am I radical, or are my views radical? i find them quite normal... logical. It's everyone else who's playing a fool's game.

So what am I doing here... I'm looking for people. But not any sort of people. i want real ones, with brains they don't just use to go with the flow, but to question and seek beyond appearances and illusions society immerses all of us from the word go.

I thought I'd try this place. Why not? I get to have a little glimpse of people's thoughts on here (it's mostly rubbish for the most part but hey, I'm a firm believer that exceptions to rules always exist)and to me that's a pre-requisite before even bothering to know about things like hobbies and whatnot. Because if i sense a lack of curiosity or questioning power, I already know we can only have superficial common interests.

Aren't we all looking for that special someone?

His reply: Define special?

  Im sure everyone is looking for someone. As far as radical goes by defintion seeking change at the root ie social interaction and formalities.

Do you like magic?

My reply:

  Define special... I guess I mean it in a rather subjective, human way. Someone like any other person except to you they are or become your everything... that makes them special in YOUR eyes, because you love them. To you, they are unique... special.

As far as you described your definition of radical, it sounds about right to use it in the context of my thoughts.

Do I like magic? when it comes to illusionists (magicians) I really dont. You know why? Because I like to understand how things work, but these people are famously reluctant to let you in on their trick secrets... leaving me to endlessly try and guess how they pulled it off... because I just need to know.

But really... I am fascinated by the notion of magic. I do enjoy a good trick even if I dont get to understand how it's done.

... do you know any good trick? :P


His reply:

That's was the sort of response I thought I was going to get maybe it was a trick question?

Hmm and as for magic and me well I'm more like you I always want to figure

them out. Not so much for actually preforming. I've thought about buying a

magic kit when I see those "even you can learn magic and in minutes" but so far

have not been fully convinced.

However my ability with food I feel has a magical flare to it. It is something I truly

enjoy! It is my art! Do you like food? How about to cook. Please just don't say

food is fuel grrrr haha


My reply:

It's crazy what lengths adverts will go to just to convince you that their product isnt just the best out there, but that YOU absolutely NEED it.

Kids are the best targets, in a way, mainly because they take what they see at face value... like, when I was little (4 or 5 years old) I saw that cereal advert on tv where a child was looking sadly at his empty bowl. Then the mum pours the cereal into the bowl (rice crispies to be precise) and then milk... and then.... suddenly 3 miniature cartoon-like people jump out of the bowl like magic... and the kid is all happy and surprised. Well, I remember clearly that the moment I saw the tiny people come out of that bowl I immediately began to pester my own mum to buy those cereals... it didnt matter that she tried to explain no one was ever going to come out of MY bowl. I had to try for myself like in that advert. When I finally got the cereal, I stood there like an idiot waiting for the magic to occur... yeah.

I never bought any rice crispies again.

So... I think you're right to be doubtful as to the promises advertised... haha

Food... I like food. I don't spend much time thinking about it though. I can cook basic stuff, and I can even come up with a good dish if I really feel like it, i guess. What I do like is trying new food, from all over the world, really. I just love discovering new things all the time. Also, I have a sweet tooth, so if cooking something, I'd rather be baking a cake :P

More samples, to which I didn't bother replying to:

Benny: Read me!!!

well i like you im none of them things ive got a nomal job its not the best but new yer new start and all that,what is it you do then? well read my profile and hope to hear back from you if not hope you find what your looking for and i really mean that x


Coconut: go girl you tell them

So funny ....wish I knew you I could tell

you a few stories about beating the

system. Happy ny anyway x


Sal: Found me!

your beauti defys all meaning of

life hmm :)

i could be your friend when your

in need of company or just someone

when you want your needs to be

taking care of anything you want

i'll be there at will...friend or

anything you desire im a good

listener so yeah ! :) anyway how

are you?

Cheeky: Hey


Just a message to let you know that i find your profile and pic interesting and i would be happy to get to know you further. I don't know if you feel the same way about my profile but you can let me know if you do :-).


3) The more promising answers

Here, I compile all the 'best' answers I got so far... I probably wasn't very strict and no wonder why I wasn't: after receiving SO many low-quality messages, I was just relieved to be getting some that showed AT LEAST some effort to think about the things I hinted at in the profile.... Sometimes, of course, I felt relieved far too soon. Anything that showed more thinking or at least an attempt at being critical is therefore listed below.

Tobby: If you had asked me 5 years ago….


Nice profile. Slightly agressive but nice and different none-the-less and I happen to agree with most of what you say.

For some reason, my whole adult life I've resisted finding a career. I hate the fact that people are so career focused.

There's more to life than work. I'm not one of those bleedin' robotic sheep.

I see people miserable and stressed every day because of work. Some of my mates have no life because their entire life is work, work, work. Sadly they seem to thrive on it and what winds me up more is they pretend that their life is oh so good because they have a higher number in their bank account than me.

Am I happy the way I am? No, I'm not. There is something missing in my life and I feel at the age of 28 I should be getting close to finding it but the truth is, I feel all at sea and a little bit isolated.

The temptation is to join the rat race and I fear I will have to if I don't find my place in this world soon...



My reply:

I like your attitude.. Ideally I would have loved to know what it was you didnt agree with (you said 'most' of what I say... :P)

Maybe you can tell me in your next reply to me?

From your profile I see you just finished your studies.. what did you study? I'm glad you can see the falacy of career-driven/obsessed people, but we're in the minority. I guess it's just too tempting for many to be blinded by materiality... the whole vicious circle of 'working - getting more money - getting more stuff - getting richer or higher up the ladder than thy neighbour etc....'

People are champions at pretending and deluding themselves. Of course they're going to show you 'how great' their existence is... how else are they going to convince themselves otherwise?... it's tragic.

Do not - i repeat - do NOT join the rat race! That is not where you will find your place in this world and you know it just as much I know it for myself when i have a weak moment of thinking such silly things.

Nobody is happy. It's moments we share with significant others that bring about that sense of joy, or happiness, but it's really more about finding a sense of peaceful contentment that remains in balance with everything else in life.

Something is missing in my life too... I tell you what, maybe we can help each other out trying to find out what is missing exactly? :)

His reply:

Howdy Missy,

Thanks for the reply. It's nice to see someone who hasn't been seduced (well totally anyway) by the materialistic world.

Firstly, what I didn't agree with in your profile... You spoke negatively of education. Whilst I agree the whole notion of education is bollox - Ultimately we're just being taught useless rubbish that only serves to feed the system and not our personal development but there are some educational institutions that encourage creativity, which I think is one of the aspects of being human that separates us from robots.

Having just read your profile again, I think I may have misunderstood first time around. I think your point is that you dislike people who think they're more intelligent because they have a piece of paper that states they are worthy of state approval as opposed to someone who doesn't have that bit of paper. So I guess I don't disagree with anything you say! Oops!

So, moving on... If you haven't joined the rat race, how do you keep yourself afloat in a world/society/culture that is manipulated to turning us into nothing more than Duracell batteries to keep the cogs of the system powered and turning?

As for what's missing in our lives; I'd love to delve into our psyche's. I think for me, it's partly missing love but I also think I'm a being not suited to this world but for various reasons I'm apprehensive of breaking out and actively changing it. What I'm fearful of is open for debate...

What about you?

My reply:

I really like that you're able to look back on something and even as you realise that you misunderstood something, you can just say it... That's a great quality that allows you to keep bettering yourself rather than holding onto wrong conclusions as so many people do just to avoid 'being in the wrong', if that makes sense...

I have to say... Your messages to me are refreshing. That's why I took some time before replying back... I didnt want to rush it.

This world is now wired in such a way that it's proving more and more difficult to avoid joining the rat race... I think it takes a tremendous amount of idealism, stubborness and integrity to oneself and one's beliefs, to manage not to be sucked in - ever.

I kind of postponed having to face the prospect of joining the rat race for as long as I could through education I guess... buying myself time to assess and think how exactly I can actually avoid getting sucked in by a flawed, corrupted system that I can't stand. What I got to see in more depth is how flawed our education system also is... but of course that's no surprise since it's part of the whole (society)...

How are institutions that encourage creativity any better than the ones that teach useless stuff? they all ultimately lead to a breakdown of the ability to truly think critically... or outside the mainstream box. And even as some minds escape that terrible fate, look at the price that must be paid: never really able to fit in, sometimes to the point of alienation or rejection from the majority etc...

My main problem always was that I had this ability to 'see' the wrongs, or anything that made no sense around me from a very young age... it clashed with my intense desire to make sense of things, coupled with very idealised or perfected visions in my mind of how things ought to be... or how they ought to have been like... So... I do understand and can relate to your feeling of not being suited for this world... which is mostly based on concrete matters and rooted in materiality... The opposite of what I seem to represent in essence. 

What did you study?

I saw on your profile that you're into martial arts, have you ever done any fighting yourself?

Hope to hear from you soon :)

His reply:


No worries in the delayed reply. It was worth the wait! :)

Anyway, I'll try to approach each of your points...

I think I'm guilty of postponing joining the rat race by going into 'higher' education, similar to you. However, I did join the rat race once. I was in full-time employment for a few years in a couple of jobs (web design/editing then IT support), then I got made redundant a few years ago and thought now is the chance to study what I want. I admit, it was partly because I didn't want to go back into full-time employment because I found it so depressing. Okay, I had a steady, decent income but I was miserable and felt trapped. Now, although I don't have near as much money, I feel free, albeit slightly cut off.

Anyway, I have just finished studying for a degree in filmmaking. I say just, I finished a couple of months ago but I'm struggling with motivation to get myself into full-time employment.

On to your next point; How are creative institutions any better than those that offer useless education? - I guess they're not in the sense they're all subconsciously teaching you to fit in to the systems norms, to toe the line if you like, to think a certain way - "Repeat what we tell you is true and we'll give you a degree, don't and you fail" - That's kind of symbolic about the way is run... But with my degree I will say they did encourage you to look at the world around you and use what you see as inspiration for creative ideas and implement them in the films; 'capture the zeitgiest' was a bit of a mantra in our class.

Whilst the majority of films are mind numbing, brainwashing rubbish, there are great films out there that have questioned the world and encourage viewers to look at the world around them and question the norms, what they see and their place in it - Usually you don't hear much about these film in the media - No surprises there!

These writers/directors wouldn't have been able to realise their vision if it wasn't for education of some sort. So, I can't fully agree that education is total bollox because it helped people like Richard Linklater, who's done some fantastic work that I'm sure has changed some peoples perceptions - 'A Scanner Darkly', 'Fast Food Nation' and 'Waking Life' are just three films.

It's interesting what you say about the media and the state it's in. The minute I saw you studied journalism I instantly thought that with a mind like yours (which is similar to mine I think) you'd probably have difficulty fitting in as the (unofficially) government sponsored media don't want people to present facts and stories that exist, they want 'journalists' to present facts and stories that suit the institutions of control...

As for Martial Arts... I used to practice Karate and Judo when I was very young and now I train with my mate when we get a chance to get together. He's one of the chaps unfortunately consumed by the rat race. My documentary was on Mixed Martial Arts, otherwise known as 'cage fighting' but again, thanks to the media the term 'cage fighting' gives people the wrong impression of the sport. It paints a picture of this barbaric, blood sport, fight-to-the-death, which it really isn't. Yes it's full on - It's a combat sport for god sake - but there are rules and no one is in the fighting arena unwillingly.

Anyway, I've rambled on enough now. I hope this message hasn't dragged on too long for you. Thanks for, as you put it, refreshing message. It beats the usual drivel we have to put up on here!

Looking forward to reading your reply :)


My reply:

The way I see it, it's very hard to avoid joining the rat race at some point... It happens because the world is wired that way - feeding a vicious circle... one needs to survive, therefore one is made to work for a living (I see it more like a modern form of slavery in most cases... enslaving ourselves in jobs that aren't even really needed but contribute to make the world more complex and confusing), as soon as you start working (and that job kind of becomes an illusion of purpose in life), society taunts your ego with promises of success (pats on the back of all sorts, peer acceptance, self-gratification boosts) and/or money, which then leads you to develop a taste or strive for a certain lifestyle and wants that never end because there's always going to be something society will encourage you to want.... It goes on and on.

The key is to never let go of the rejection one feels about such a flawed way of things... in that sense, I now see having to work as a means to an end, rather than an end in itself as so many seem to do. A means to what end? Well, a means to achieve what I truly believe in, a means to give myself the opportunity to escape what I reject. It's nice to know someone else has kind of done the same thing I did (postponing joining the rat race through education...) suddenly I feel less lonely :)

Anyway, I came to the conclusion that since we're forced to need money to do anything at all in this world, my aim is to work for a very limited number of years - honing the skills I'll need to go freelance as a reporter while saving as much as I can to get me started... I want to be able to move around, discover the world through my own eyes and mind away from any mainstream influence, and have my work adapt to me rather than the other way around as seems to be the norm... Going freelance would also give me a better shot at pursuing all that is dearest to my heart... in a nutshell.

Have you ever watched Into the Wild? I caught it on TV the other day and that story really struck a chord... In case you havent seen it, I strongly recommend it. I think you'll understand why as soon as you watch it.

Filmaking... I used to want to be a script writer when I was younger. I love and appreciate movies that make me think in more depth, intricate plots with a twist... and those that feed my imagination, too. I'm glad to hear that your course gave you that sense of artistic freedom, so to speak.

In my case, I went blindly into journalism, my head full of idealism and dreams of telling the world about all the hidden truths... so you're right, I had a hard time fitting in nicely within the media machine - and still do. I had a keen interest in news and investigative reporting from the start, because that's what true journalism is really about - to me at least. So... I'm still in the process of finding a job that would at least help me gain useful skills as a ... nosy, truth seeking reporter :P

The fact that I hate pretending what I'm not, and because I just can't go along with anything that clashes with reason or what I believe in means that I'm of course having a hard time motivating myself to find any job at all at the moment... I just dont seem able to compromise, which I think in the end is a rare quality the world turned into a 'flaw' just because it prefers to strive on endless arguments and quick-fixes.

I didnt mean to say that education itself is useless.. the education system as it stands today is terribly flawed, and its the system that I condemn, not education itself... :)

Don't think for a second that I got bored reading you! I was looking forward to your reply.. :)

Where about in London do you live? I wonder if you would like to chat sometime, either online or on the phone or skype if you use it?


His reply: 


I agree with everything you say and it's great to finally meet someone who knows where I'm coming from and sees the world through similar eyes. It's almost too good to be true!

I watched a film the other day called 'Up In The Air'. It's a sort of Rom-Com. A bit of lighthearted fun with sentiment but basically George Clooney's character is a man that is employed by a company who's business is to sack people on behalf of any company. Clooney's job is to go all around the country, sacking people and his whole life is spent 'Up in the Air' on a plane going here, there and everywhere and he rarely sets foot at home, infact so extreme is the amount of time away from home that he doesn't have a home, he lives in hotels and out of his suitcase.

For me, the thought of living on the road seems quite appealing. I feel I have nomadic tendancies however, there is a point in the film where he gives lectures as a sideline. He places a ruck sack on the podium and asks the audience to imagine putting all their belongings in to this bag and feel the weight on their shoulders. He then goes on to say that they should dump anything in that bag that isn't needed. Photos, electronics, their house and to imagine starting a new life with absolutely nothing and for me, the thought is liberating.

The characters Jules Winfield (Samuel L. Jackson) states at the end of 'Pulp Fiction' that he's just "gonna walk the earth like Caine from 'Kung Fu'"... For me, that seems to be what life should be all about...

Anyway, yes it would be great to chat. How about meeting up?


My reply:

Too good to be true... Yeah, I know what you mean. The one thing I like about internet interaction, especially the message writing part, is that it gives a rather unique opportunity to get to know someone else based on things that can go beyond the usual superficiality of every day life... You can get the time to express thoughts, or sides that really make you who you are, that real life interaction doesnt allow or give time for, if that makes sense..

I havent watched that movie with Cloney but will definitely rent it as soon as I find it... the story sounds very interesting.

A nomadic life... I dont know if that's what I have in mind exactly, but I dream of being able to not just travel 'around the world', but to take the time to immerse myself in different cultures where I'd be able to draw more thoughts and observations... and a deeper understanding of human nature, life and its meaning... Immersing myself and attempting to retrieve the pieces of a lost jigsaw that would contain all the answers in the end... haha. Something like that...

I originally come from P, where i was born and bred. I moved to London over 10 years ago now when i was a teen. We kind of moved overnight and that time was when I learned a valuable lesson about the things of this world: we should never get attached to things, because all things will be lost at some point. I learned that when I was literally only allowed to take with me a rucksack with 'the bare essencials'... so i did, but still, I managed to sneak in family photos and some of my writings (which at the time was all on paper)... Everything else we left behind never to be retrieved, and i never really missed any of it because those were just things... easily replaced at some point or other. Thats also when I really started to reflect on what was truly meaningful in life, looking past appearances of things to see in more depth.

It'd be great to meet up, yes.. i'd love to be able to talk on the phone first, though, i think it helps with the nerves of meeting for the first time.



  Don't rent the movie, I don't know what rentals cost these days but it's going for about £4 in Sainsbury's!

So not getting attached to things then ay? Does that apply to your love life? Your attitude to love? I mean are you scared to get attached because of the fear of losing that person?

Sure by all means let's speak on the phone, if it helps with nerves then why not?!



Thanks for the tip, I'll definitely pop by sainsburys and see if I can find it for that bargain price :)

am i scared to get attached because of the fear of losing the person?... No, I think the only thing that makes me cautious is more a fear of getting hurt or losing control in some way - because love kind of does that to you, it's like a flood of the most powerful emotions/feelings at once... its the most amazing experience, but a bit scary at first, or something like that...

But in the end nothing can beat the fact, or truth, that it would be much worse never to have loved at all... in fact, missing out on getting attached to others would be tantamount to missing a big part of what life is about, i think.

Got your number...  we could maybe speak sometime tomorrow? anytime during the day is fine with me, let me know.



Got your number - Sounds like those 118, 118 adverts! Speaking tomorrow will be cool.

Are you working at the moment?



Not working at the moment, but in search mode, without forgetting to take advantage of the free time i get for now to do things that I like, mostly writing my own things..

Looking forward to speaking to you :)


The guy that writes in poems and lyrics:

Ken: Hi

you are quite interesting but i've gotta say if you going to call someone a penguin you might as well spell it properly,

i have a good suit but it rarely gets worn for nice occasions,

oh! and i like to list stuff but its what i like and not what i have to do...

My reply:

  You know, you're the first to point out the spelling mistake... Thanks for that I guess.

It's not about taking my words too literally... it's about reflecting on what they hint at in a blunt way, what issues they are rising and how YOU as a person of your own, with your own mind, react to them.

Get it? if so, let me know.

His reply:

words are to easy on here so i have written some verse for you,


we are all born in chains,

our children are born in chains,

in the cages we have made for them,


the fool that knows he is in a cage,

is no wiser than the blind fool,

sitting next to him,


the man ran up the road,

screaming bloody vengence on his attackers,

his screams were reactive,

his attackers were proactive,

it is better to my mind that we should both have questions,

it is only by our deeds and not our anwsers that we shall be judged!

let me know what you think...

My reply:

I like your poem very much... That's the sort of poetry I tend to write to myself when I get really passionate about all the things I think about but cant find a way strong enough to express myself.

This little poem of yours manages to encapsulate the essence of what is really wrong in our society, doesn't it... Born in chains, and our children after us, hinting at the vicious cycle in which we are all kept prisoners... and just because nowadays the chains are gold-plated, they give the illusion to people that they are no longer enslaved...

The fool that knows he's in a cage is only just as foolish as the blind one if he fails to do anything about his condition - even to try and escape it... in fact, he is even worse than the clueless idiot next to him who never had or developed the 'ability' to see things clearly...




check out these dylan lyrics


For them that must obey authority

That they do not respect in any degree

Who despise their jobs, their destinies

Speak jealously of them that are free

Cultivate their flowers to be

Nothing more than something they invest in


A question in your nerves is lit

Yet you know there is no answer fit

To satisfy, insure you not to quit

To keep it in your mind and not forget

That it is not he or she or them or it

That you belong to


While one who sings with his tongue on fire

Gargles in the rat race choir

Bent out of shape from society’s pliers

Cares not to come up any higher

But rather get you down in the hole

That he’s in

you seem quite interesting, i am not sure about revolution if thats what you mean? but everything must change...



Nice choice of lyrics...

It's not so much about revolution... it's about taking the time to really think through human kind' next stage of evolution, so to speak. 'revolutions' have happened and keep happening, yet they resolve nothing in depth. The same issues (be it corruption, flawed systems, conflict/wars etc) remain and nothing gets better. Insteand we stay stuck in the same destructive vicious circle that society imposes on us from the moment we are born... then we are made to spend our lives watching our most cherished dreams being dashed by that same society that will drill into our skulls that we 'can't do anything about any of it'.

The truth is, what would happen if the most passionate and logical people actually grouped together to plan  a perfected social design that would strive to resolve and avoid all the flaws of this current society?


His reply:

hey! have you fallen of my radar over a coffee... i am told some guy/s are posting illicit pics of themselves and all i am looking for is stimulating conversation and the perfect cappachino,


the stranger song


Well, I've been waiting, I was sure

we'd meet between the trains we're waiting for

I think it's time to board another

Please understand, I never had a secret chart

to get me to the heart of this

or any other matter

When he talks like this

you don't know what he's after

When he speaks like this,

you don't know what he's after.


Let's meet tomorrow if you choose

upon the shore, beneath the bridge

that they are building on some endless river

Then he leaves the platform

for the sleeping car that's warm

You realize, he's only advertising one more shelter

And it comes to you, he never was a stranger

And you say ok the bridge or someplace later.


cohen does some great revolution stuff but i like this one...
